Tandem Gear Pumps

Tandem Gear Pumps

Technical specifications:
♦ From series G5 to series z7
♦ Group 0,5 - group 1 - group 2 - group 3 and group 2.5 (special) versions available.
♦ The student has suitable shaft and cover combinations.
♦ Contact the sales department for tandem versions.
♦ Right or left direction pumps.
GR 0.5 Serıes Gear  Pumps   (Alumınum Cover)
Type  Away Working Pressure (bar) Maks. Speed
Group 0,5 (cc/dev.) Continuous  Pig (d/dak.)
BKP0.5A1-D0,19 0,19 200 250 7000
BKP0.5A1-D0,26 0,26 200 250 7000
BKP0.5A1-D0,38 0,38 200 250 7000
BKP0.5A1-D0,50 0,50 200 250 7000
BKP0.5A1-D0,65 0,65 200 250 7000
BKP0.5A1-D0,75 0,75 200 250 7000
BKP0.5A1-D1,00 1,00 200 250 6000
BKP0.5A1-D1,50 1,50 200 250 4000

GR1 Serıes Power Pack Pums (Alumınum Cover)
Type  Away  Working Pressure (bar) Maks. Speed 
Group1 (cc/dev.) Continuous  Pig (d/dak.)
BKP1Q0-S1,1  1,1  230  270  6000
BKP1Q0-S2,1 2,10 230 270 6000
BKP1Q0-S3,2 3,20 210 250 5000
BKP1Q0-S4,2 4,20 210 250 4000
BKP1Q0-S4,8 4,80 190 230 3500
BKP1Q0-S5,8 5,80 190 230 3000
BKP1Q0-S7,0 7,00 160 200 2500
BKP1Q0-S8,0 8,00 160 200 2100

TİPİ Depl. Çalışma Basıncı (bar) Maks. Hız
Grup1 (cc/dev.) Sürekli Pik (d/dak.)
BKP1B0-D1,1 1,10 230 270 6000
BKP1B0-D1,6 1,60 230 270 6000
BKP1B0-D1,8 1,80 230 270 6000
BKP1B0-D2,1 2,10 230 270 6000
BKP1B0-D2,7 2,70 230 270 6000
BKP1B0-D3,2 3,20 210 250 5000
BKP1B0-D3,7 3,70 210 250 4500
BKP1B0-D4,2 4,20 210 250 4000
BKP1B0-D4,8 4,80 190 230 3500
BKP1B0-D5,8 5,80 190 230 3000
BKP1B0-D7,0 7,00 160 200 2500
BKP1B0-D8,0 8,00 160 200 2100

GR2 Serıes Standard Pumps (Steel Cover)
Type  Away  Workıng Pressure   (bar) Maks. Speed
Group2 (cc/dev.) Continuous  Pik (d/dak.)
BHP2-B0-D-3 3,00 270 300 4000
BHP2-B0-D-4 4,00 270 300 4000
BHP2-B0-D-6 6,00 270 300 4000
BHP2-B0-D-8 8,00 270 300 3500
BHP2-B0-D-10 10,00 270 300 3000
BHP2-B0-D-12 12,00 270 300 3000
BHP2-B0-D-14 14,00 250 280 4000
BHP2-B0-D-16 16,00 250 280 4000
BHP2-B0-D-18 18,00 250 280 3600
BHP2-B0-D-20 20,00 220 250 3200
BHP2-B0-D-22 22,00 220 250 3000
BHP2-B0-D-25 25,00 200 230 3000
BHP2-B0-D-28 28,00 180 200 2500
BHP2-B0-D-30 30,00 160 180 2500

GR3 Serıes Standard Pumps (Steel Cover)
Type  Away Workıng Pressure  (bar) Maks. Speed 
Group 3 (cc/dev.) Continuous  Pig (d/dak.)
BHP3-B1-D-20 20,00 250 280 3500
BHP3-B1-D-22 22,00 250 280 3500
BHP3-B1-D-26 26,00 250 280 3000
BHP3-B1-D-33 33,00 230 270 3000